PBSC Donation

A man looking pretty happy and relaxed in the middle of his stem cell donation! Photo courtesy of Gift of Life America

A man looking pretty happy and relaxed in the middle of his stem cell donation! Photo courtesy of Gift of Life America

The procedure

This method is used 90% of the time.

A non-surgical procedure where your bone marrow is stimulated to a point that allows the stem cells to overflow out of the bone marrow and into your bloodstream, ready to be collected, much like in a blood donation! All you need to do at this point is sit in a chair with a needle in one arm, your blood will be processed through a special "Apheresis" machine which separates your stem cells and returns the rest of your blood cells through a needle in your other arm. You do not lose any part of you because it’s your excess stem cells that are collected.

All that is asked of you is your time and commitment. There are forms and questionnaires you will need to fill in and some routine tests, your donor centre coordinator will give you all the necessary information and you will be supported every step of the way. Your health is very important and your medical team will never put you through a procedure if they believe you are not healthy or fit enough, all the necessary checks are done beforehand.


Stimulating the bone marrow

To begin with you will have a small injection usually done in the fat of the tummy every day for approximately 4 days prior to the day of the collection. This is called G-CSF, it's a naturally occurring hormone and the purpose of this is to stimulate your bone marrow. The stem cells are created in large quantities in the bone marrow so the stem cells flow out into your blood stream to be collected. The short term symptoms of receiving this are mild and can be relieved with paracetamol such as Panadol. There are no long term risks. Some symptoms may include headaches, bone and muscle pain, fatigue and sometimes feeling a little under the weather. They disappear shortly after your stem cells are collected. 

Collecting the stem cells

After the G-CSF injections, your stem cells will be swimming strong and happy in the stream of your blood, ready to be taken out for collection to fulfill their destiny! On the day of collection you will have 2 needles, one in each arm that will be connected to an “Apheresis Machine” (see picture above). Blood will be taken out from one arm and processed through the Apheresis machine. The machine will then separate the stem cells from your blood cells. Through the other arm the blood is returned to you. The procedure takes approximately 3 to 4 hours to perform. You can even watch TV or a read a book during the procedure and return to normal activities afterwards!

After the procedure

Most people can return straight to work and continue on with their normal activities.

What happens next?

Your stem cells will be sent off to save your matching patient’s life!

Something that is so simple means the world to the patient and their family! You will be very proud of yourself and it will no doubt be an amazing experience that can not only save a life but also change yours.

Click here to read some first-hand stories from people who have donated their stem cells.

From our partner Strength to Give: Learn about the 2 different ways you can donate your blood stem cells

A heartwarming video of patients meeting their lifesaving donors for the first time, it’s a tear jerker!